Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Some stuff while I work ...

everyone on the Internets.
Today I'm throwing up a few drawing I've laying around. Working on my book and other things,so no time to upload anything new. Hope you like what you see.

Images: Girl on bed(B/W wash pre-lim) PowerGirl,Devil Dinosaur Spring Fling#1(pencil/inks)last pg,Lady Death trading card pencils.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hulk vs. Wolverine

Hi, Blogwatchers!

Todays art is a piece I did for my
sketchbook-Hulk vs. Wolverine !

First, here's the the concept sketch of the two,
followed by the pencils,and finally,the
finished piece. This is low rez (200 dpi)
as well,and a bit larger than my scanner
can handle .
Comment if you like,and as always,
click on piece to enlarge!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm Back, You Animals...New Art !

Hi,everyone in the blogosphere or
whatever its called on the Internets...back at home
after an extended trip back home. Lots of cool
experiences in the "A" shouts to Dexter Vines and all
the folks at Revolver Studios for letting me hang.
New artwork as the header says-Some Personal Trading Card
commissions I've just finished for a few of my card fanatics ;)
(I had to put 'em down in order to finish a job,but that's how
this biz can be,unfortunately-the guilt!)..Here they are! I'm still finishing a few, but I'm now open for commissions again !
My wife will be in charge of orders so I can just work . A new thing for my Card Fanatics: I will do a commissioned PSC 1 painted,1 B&W inked (similar
to the images shown) for 100.00$ US. 2 for 1 basically. WAIT! This just in !!
My wife says a deal is to be made-2 painted,2 B&W PSCs for-150.00$US
Yep,that's right.
Get one in time for X-Mas.
Turn around time in about a week or two,depending on workload.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

New art . May the Force be with ya!

everyone on the interwebz.
Today's visual trainwreck comes
in the form of one my favorite
LucasFilms creations,Master Jedi
I put the unfinished piece up
on the June 8th post. I jammed this
out a few days ago,but forgot
to put it online. This IS for sale, BTW.

Going to be appearing at Dragon Con
this weekend in Atlanta,
at the TERMINUS MEDIA booth.
I should have prints,art,and other goodies
as well as doing *sketches* of all kinds
when I get thar.
Hope you like!

Shameless Plug-


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mini-Mega Con or Bust ! August 22-23,Orlando,Fl

Hi Everyone!

Couple of things..
First, I will be appearing at
Mini-Mega Con ,Orlando,Florida
This weekend of August 22-23 2009.

I will be there as a late addition (set up next to Derec Donovan,helluva guy) and possibly at the Terminus Media booth/table.
I will be doing PSC's there as well as selling prints,artwork from books such as Gambit,White Tiger,Countdown,House of M, and whatevers not tied down. will be doing all kinds of commissions at the con as well.

PLEASE come by and say "Hi" I love meeting fans of our genre. look for the wildly gesticulating short black guy behind the table with maybe,a mohawk,maybe a bald head. And please,no threatening gestures as I bruise easily, I like Godzilla trivia...

Next,I have a piece that will be available as a Print(not sure if it will be colored)
At the Con. I love Frazetta's work and especially the quiet grace he imparted on his savagest
of subjects.Every swordstroke meant something. So this is my take on a Barbarian type...seen
in an earlier blog,unfinished. Barbarian Pencils/inks DH2!

Anyhoo back to finishing works...

See you hopefully at Mini-Mega


Saturday, August 8, 2009

New stuff to keep you animals happy!

Hey! Surprise.
New things from
the hand of DH2!

I have today for your perusal a
couple of Sketch
Cards done as PSC's
or Personal Sketch
Cards. these are just the pencils, I will be putting the finished versions up later. Oh, and a sneak peak at two of the SpiderMan cardz-

hope ya like-


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nothing New...

Hi, every/anyone in Cyberspace. Today's
artistic stuff comes in the form of random
pieces I have laying around my
"studio". Just a little artistic diarrhea
making its way to the front.

Feeling like a big can of stank
today,nothing on my horizon. I don't know why
I some days feel like there is nothing left
for me to do and still have the feeling there is
SO MUCH I could accomplish,given the opportunity..

Then the feeling passes and I still try to make myself
give a Fuck. There are so many people that kick
my ass artistically, I just don't see the point sometimes.
I smile/put on happy exterior when I can,but between you and me,
its a sham. I can't remember a day that I've felt good
about my art...in like,forever. I try. Whatever.
I always feel like I'm having an out-of-body
experience when someone is perusing my art.

I sound like an Emo girl. Or Rorschach.
Look at the art.
I'll try to smile.
We meet halfway,okay?


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Personal Sketch Cards!! Please PSC me,baby!

Today's bit of artistic
tomfoolery is focused on
PSC's or Personal
Sketch Cards.
Ive done a few sets of these mini-masterpieces for Marvel,DC,and of course RittenHouse
Archives,the Kings of PSC cards.
Here are a few samples of me work in that field. The paintings of Cable of X-Force and Gammora of Titan are 5x7 oversized incentive type cards.
Currently finishing up
working on the
SpiderMan Archives Set,
to be released 10-28-09
The Cable and
Gammora are done in my
use-whatever-works style of Acrylics,
colored pencil,colored ink,and whatnot.

And yes I do mad commissions
Holla Back now!


Thursday, July 30, 2009

And now for something Different...

Hi Everyone-

Today's art comes in the form
of a few sample pages I did for
a proposal .
No harm in showing them now.

The Hulk and Namor are 2 of my faves from childhood.
And those who know me
will tell you of my fondness for early Kirby-era heroes.

They might be out of order,but I'm still trying to get the layout on this blog down. Please forgive!


all characters
their respective
owners 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

A SNEAK PEEK into the Future...

While Im busy trying to finish another card set
for the guys at RITTENHOUSE ARCHIVES,here
is a glimpse into what Ive been working on....

PLANET-KILLERS Omega pg#9 (low Rez)
Xavier & XAM

The lead kid character is based
on my nephews,
Xavier and Cayman Allen...The big guy is
my based on my love of Daikaiju/Tokusatsu

Pencils/Inks-DH2! all day,baby..

Copyright 2009 DH2!

Work Time is Now !!!

Peace and HairGrease,


Friday, July 24, 2009

Texiera Supergirl Painting Collaboration!

Todays adventure into Don-ism is a collaboration between me and Mark Texeira (GhostRider,Sabretooth/Mystique,ect.) Supergirl pin-up.
I was given this at a Con a year ago,and I have two versions,one inked(on the original )and this one,which was done to challenge myself. I have no "recipe" for painting,I just paint until it I like it. :) (fig.1)The drawing was made by Tex using a "surfer girl"type reference,in pencil.

(fig.2) I start by laying down a wash in either Paynes Grey or India ink,which ever I decide on first. This is done to flesh out the figure, and to lay down tracks for the shaded areas. I am using the artboard as my white/highlights,so I don't wanna go too heavy with the wash. I also drop Cadmium yellow or Hansa Yellow to give the red cape a base,and as a basis for blonde hair.

(fig.3) Now I start by gradually building the flesh tone w/a little Cadmium Orange,Yellow Oxide and Paynes Grey. I also start the build-up of Red on the boots and cape. Taking particular care to remember this a Mark Texiera drawing first, a DH2! painting second.

(fig.4) Here it gets tricky: you can RUIN a good painting in this stage,so I don't wanna get too overzealous. I start painting the blue portions of the costume with Process Blue,and re-define the flesh areas. Also start using Phthalocyanine Blue and Paynes Grey to darken the cape and shaded areas. Start building the facial/hair area up with Yellow Ochre and Red Oxide,paying attention to the eyes. You screw up the eyes,just start over.

(fig.5) Homestretch! Your almost finished. I shore up the blue areas with Phthalo Blue and Prussian Blue,I'm trying to get a spandex look to her costume. I use colored pencils and a dash of acrylic/gesso to smooth out any patchy areas (acrylic paint has an annoying tendency to "crawl" and get spotty) I see,and to highlight and blend whatevers needed.
I give it the once over and Viola! You have a SUPERGIRL Painting ! Now if I can sell it...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New stuff.


anyone who's bothered checking this out.
Thanks for coming.Have a seat. Take your shoes off.
Today is a multi post day.First, a couple of warm up sketches.. a couple of DragonBall Z ones, Piccolo,Vegeta(giant Ape style) Oozaru,Invader Zim, and a Muay Thai sketch done in "side of the pencil" old school style. Great for learning control. I do this stuff to warm the hand up and to get me in the mood for work. More Dontasticness later. Maybe even a step by step tutorial.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Super Convention Season Go!!

Hi everyone.
Will be updating soon.
Look out for it.
In the downtime from
Don-lisciousness,here are some get me started sketches...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Requested artwork...

Hi Everybody!

I've gotten a few requests to see how my pencil-to-inks look. To make a long story short,I CAN INK ANYONE. Period. Here's a quick list of people I have worked my ink-thing on-

Ed McGuinness-Criss Cross-Jim Cheung-Scott Eaton-Mike Norton-Ken Lashley-Howard Porter-Mike Lilly-Aaron Lopresti-Jeff Johnson-Sean Chen-Georges Jeanty-Vincenzo Cucca-Phil Briones-
all I can come up with off the top of my head. You get the picture. I can ink whatever is in front of me.. I must remind the viewer I have lost a TON of artwork,copies,ect. because of a flood. Don't have a lot a super-new material because of that fact,except my own.

Mike Norton pencils I Heart marvel#1 pg#1
Mike Lilly pencils. ?? client unknown
Scott Eaton pencils. House of M#1 pg#2
Ken Lashley pencils. Supergirl#13 cover
Ed McGuinness pencils. Superman/Batman#24 pg#17

Wanna see more?
Email me,you slugs.
